〔目的〕交流并讨论在SARS检验中的疑问 ,为更多了解病情提供参考。〔方法〕采集SARS病人早期标本以及尸解标本 ,包括血液 ,漱口液、肺组织、胸腔积液等 ,作大量血清学检验和细菌排查检验。〔结果〕第一 ,从广州市第八人民医院 6位重症SARS病人 ,检出 6株缓症链球菌 ;第二 ,作肥达 -外斐氏反应、钩端螺旋体玻凝凝溶试验 ,抗体滴度比正常人略微升高 ,出现假阳性。〔结论〕SARS是一种新增的传染病 ,近距离接触传染性很强 ,更多了解SARS患者的病情特点 ,对于患者的临床治疗、避免疫情播散、改善预后有很重要的意义。
〔objective〕 To investigation the questions on the examinations of SARS and offer more information about patients with SARS. 〔Method〕 Samples were taken from patients with SARS in the early stage and autopsy specimens including the blood,lung tissue, and pleural effusion etc.And a lot of immunological examinations and bacteria-shooting examinations were carried. 〔Result〕 firstly, six strains of Streptococcus mitis were isolated from patients with SARS who were seriously ill in No.8 people hospital of Guangzhou. Secondly, the results of Widal test?Weil-Felix test?glass sheet agglutination and dissolution test of Leptospirosis showed that antibody titers of patients with SARS were a little higher than that of normal people and showed false positive. 〔Conculsion〕 SARS is a new-appearing infectious disease with the strong close-spaced contact infectivity. To improve effects of therapy of clinic patients and avoid the spread of plague and get a better prognosis we should learn more about the characters of patients with SARS.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology