〔目的〕为了检测食品中多种有机磷农药的残留量。〔方法〕提取的试样液经过二根不同极性的毛细管色谱柱分离 ,用配有火焰光度检测器的气相色谱仪进行准确的定性和定量测定。〔结果〕该方法各种农药的最低检出限范围 3~ 2 0 μg/kg。〔结论〕本方法符合农药残留量测定方法的要求。
〔objective〕 In order to determine the amount of many kinds of Qrganophosphorous pesticides residues in food,〔Methods〕 After the pesticides residues extracted from the samples, were separated through that two kinds of different polar capillary columns, they were accurate qualitative and were quantitatively measured by gas chromatograph with flame photometric detector.〔Results〕The limit of many kinds of organophosphorous pesticides method is in the range of 3~20ug/kg.〔Conclusions〕 The results of test have met the requirement of method of pesticide residue analysis Author's address
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology