〔目的〕研究酸度对菌落总数检验结果的影响。〔方法〕将已灭菌的盐酸溶液 ,加入食品溶液中 ,调出不同的酸度 ,再测出其菌落总数。比较不同酸度下同一食品菌落总数的不同。〔结果〕随着pH值的减小 ,即酸度的增大 ,食品中菌落总数的检验结果越来越小 ,当pH值小于等于 2 .0左右时 ,可完全抑制菌落的生长。〔结论〕酸度的高低一定会影响食品中菌落总数的检验结果 ,只有将酸度调至中性 ,才能检测出食品中菌落总数的真正结果。
〔objective〕To study of the aerobic bacterial count of the different acidity of the same food.〔Methods〕Add the aseptic hydrochloric acid solution to the food solution, and produce different acidity, then test the aerobic bacterial count of the food.〔Results〕As the acidity is higher, the aerobic bacterial count is lower. When pH is smaller than 2.0, the aerobic bacterial count is zero.〔Conclusion〕The different acidity surely affect the aerobic bacterial count of the food. After you must regulate pH to 7.0, you can test the real aerobic bacterial count of the food.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology