目的 旨在通过对肠易激综合征 (IBS)患者生活事件、特质性应付和应付具体方式的评价 ,探讨IBS患者的应付特征。方法 采用生活事件量表、特质应付和应付方式问卷对 4 1例连续就诊的IBS患者进行测评 ,并与消化性溃疡 (PU)患者和正常人进行对照。结果 IBS患者的负性生活事件刺激量 (4 3.92± 5 .75 )显著高于正常人 (2 3.4 5± 2 .73,P =0 .0 2 5 )及PU患者 (2 5 .4 3± 2 .98,P =0 .0 35 ) ;特质应付评分中 ,IBS患者的消极应付积分 (4 0 .79± 8.0 1)显著高于正常人 (35 .5 2± 7.6 0 ,P =0 .0 10 )和PU患者 (36 .4 1± 8.4 1,P =0 .0 4 5 ) ;IBS患者的幻想和退避应付方式与正常组存在显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,IBS患者的退避应付方式与PU组也存在差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 IBS患者经历较多的负性生活事件 ,应付方式不当 ,改变IBS患者的应付方式可能是消除或减轻症状的有效途径。
Objective To investigate the coping characters in patients with irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) by measuring the scores of life events, characteristic copings and coping styles. Methods Compared with those in health controls and peptic ulcer(PU) patients, Life Event Scale and Coping Style Questionnaire were used to evaluate 41 consecutive patients with IBS. Results IBS had a higher score of negative life events (43.92± 5.75 )than health controls (23.45±2.73, P =0.025) and PU(25.43±2.98, P =0.035). IBS also had a higher score of negative coping styles(40.79±8.01) than health controls (35.52±7.60, P =0.010) and PU(36.41±8.41, P =0.045). There was significant difference between IBS and health controls in the coping styles for fancying and withdrawal( P <0.05), and there was also significant difference between IBS and PU in the coping styles for withdrawal( P <0.05). Conclusions IBS may have more negative life events and bad coping styles, and it may be a good way to relieve the discomfort of IBS if bad coping styles are altered.
Chinese Journal of Digestion