目的 了解某省参加微生物室间质评的各医院微生物室对MRSA ,MSSA的鉴定、判断及药敏检测水平 ,督促各实验室重视MRSA检测并能为临床提供正确的药敏报告。方法 共进行了 4次调查 ,统一发放菌种 ,要求鉴定菌种并采用NCCLS方法对 6种抗生素做药敏试验 ,检验中心对结果进行统计分析 ,评定成绩。结果 菌种鉴定符合率由 75 .0 0 %上升至 84 .38% ,MRSA判断正确率由 1 7.6 5 %上升至 76 .5 6 % ,药敏平均符合率由 86 .1 2 %上升至 94 .94 %。结论 大部分实验室对MRSA的严重性还认识不足 ,检测方法欠缺。通过室间质评活动的开展 。
Objective To investigate the quality control of MRSA, MSSA detection and antimicrobial susceptibility tests in different microbiological laboratories in Gansu province. Methods Four surveys were carried out, bacterial strains were identified and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were done by NCCLS methods, the results were analysed by the center for clinical laboratory. Results The correct identification rate of bacterial strains rose from 75.00% to 84.38% , the correct detection rate of MRSA rose from 17.65% to 76.56% , and the correct antimicrobial susceptibility test rate rose from 86.12% to 94.94% . Conclusion Most laboratories participating in the quality control program had inadequate knowledge of the severity of MRSA, the detection methods need to be improved, and the quality control program can promote the detection level.
Chinese Journal of Infection Control