利用氯胺酮肌内注射麻醉 ,用动物立体定向头架固定猴头行开颅手术。结果表明 ,手术组猕猴没有手术并发症及手术死亡。用氯胺酮麻醉稳定 ,维持时间可满足制作创伤模型或移植实验要求 ,本方法开颅足以显露猴大脑 ,经猴顶部切口可暴露猴脑额叶后份、顶叶、枕叶及颞叶。
The macaque was anaesthetized by injecting ketamine hydrochloride in muscle before fixing the head of the monkey in the stereotactic frame. And then, The craniotomy for the monkey could be done. The result showed no complications and deaths due to craniotomy in all these monkeys with operation. The method is a stable anaesthetization to make a model of head injury or to transplant the stem cells under exposure of the parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe or the posterior of the frontal lobe.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
军队 [0 12 0 5 4]
广东省科技厅 [粤科基办 ( 2 0 0 0 ) 2 5 ]
[粤财企 ( 2 0 0 1) 3 67]重大科技项目基金