
取向碳纳米管膜的大面积制备及其场发射性能的研究 被引量:2

Synthesis and Field Emission Study of Large-scaled Aligned Carbon Nanotube Films
摘要 利用热丝增强化学气相沉积法 ,在镀Ni的Si基片上成功地生长大面积取向碳纳米管膜 ,并研究了其场发射性质。研究表明 ,碳纳米管膜的场发射Fowler Nordheim曲线上存在一转折点Es(“饱和”场强 ) ,低场区域 (E <Es)的F N曲线斜率明显高于高场 (E >Es)区域。实验证实 ,低场区域的场放大系数 β与极间距d成正比 ,Es 与极间距d成反比 ,它们可用双区域场模型唯像地解释。讨论了高场区域场发射电流“饱和”(变化趋缓 ) Large-scaled highly oriented carbon nanotube films on Si substrate with Ni as a catalyst were synthesized by hot-filament-enhanced CVD and field-emission properties of the films were studied.It has been discovered that there is a knee-point E s on Fowler-Nordheim curves of the nanotube films,the slope of F-N curve in the low field region is much higher than that in the high field region.The field-enhancement factor β is proportional to the distance d between the anode and the cathode,and E s is an inverse measure of the distance d. Both of them can be phenomenally interpreted by the two-region field-emission model.The possible mechanisms for the saturation of emitter current on high field region have been discussed.
出处 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期341-346,共6页 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis
基金 国家自然科学基金 ( 60 0 710 14) 国家杰出青年科学基金 ( 5 0 0 2 5 2 0 6)项目资助
关键词 取向碳纳米管膜 场发射 Fowler-Nordheim公式 场放大系数β well-aligned carbon nanotube film field emission fowler-nordheim equation field amplification factorβ
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