城市轨道交通工程的桥隧土建结构基本完成后 ,由于测量误差、施工误差、结构变形变位等因素 ,往往会使竣工后的结构中心线偏离原设计 ,其高程与原设计也不尽符合 ,因此根据竣工后的既有情况 ,在原设计平、纵断面的基础上进行调坡调线是必要的 ,介绍其设计原则和方法 。
After the bridges, tunnels and other civil structures of an urban rail transit is primarily completed, the central line of these structures always deviates from the original design due to errors in survey, construction, and structure deformation. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the gradient and route according to specific situation. An introduction is given to principles for the adjustment based on examples.
Railway Standard Design