分析 2 0 0 3年上半年全国染料、有机颜料生产状况及进出口贸易情况。虽受SARS的影响 ,但上半年主要经济指标完成情况良好 ,进出口数量和经济效益继续保持稳定增长。SARS期间失掉的订单 ,预计下半年将会有所反弹。
In this paper, production and imports & exports situation of China's dyes and pigments in the first half of 2003 are analyzed. Although the SARS crisis, the recent statistics indicate that main economic indexes have well fulfilled and import & export trades and benefits maintain stable growth in the first half of 2003. It is predicted that China's dyes and pigments have greater potential market both at home and abroad in the second half of 2003 and beyond.
China Dyeing and Finishing