

Linguistic Knowledge,LinguisticPerformance and Foreign Language Teaching
摘要 语言知识和言语能力之间具有统一性 ,但二者之间的问题是多层次、多样化的。外语教师在教学中、学生在学习时若不注意弥补二者之间明显的或隐含的差距 ,使两者有机地协调。学生言语能力的培养将收效甚微。只有将二者协调好、统一起来 ,才能提高学生的英语言语能力。 The relationship between linguistic knowledge and linguistic performance is of unity while the problems in practice between them are various,ever changing and of many levels.This paper discusses in terms of theory and practical examples how to shorten the obvious or potential gap between the two in our teaching so as to make them coordinated.Only by doing so can we improve our teaching.
作者 袁俏玲
出处 《长沙大学学报》 2001年第1期55-58,共4页 Journal of Changsha University
关键词 语言知识 言语能力 差距 统一性 linguistic knowledge linguistic performance gap unity
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