在制定列车运行调整决策时,调度员往往要对许多方案进行比选,从中选取优化解。然而目前运行调整的结果主要用二维运行图表达,不直观、包含的信息容量少且难于 测潜在冲突。针对这种现状,作者首次提出了三维运行图的概念,并对采用虚拟现实技术实现运行图的三维可视化进行了研究。
Dispatcher should compares several solutions and then select an optimized one when he makes a decision with train dispatching.But the result of existing train-dispatching is represented by 2D scheduling which is abstractive and lack of information and difficult to determine potential conflicts. In the first time,the writer puts forward a concept called 3D scheduling and research the method that work out 3D visulazition of scheduling.with VR.
Railway Computer Application