
生物活性皮肤替代物的超微结构观察 被引量:6

Ultrastructure observation of biological living skin equivalent
摘要 目的 :观察所培养的生物活性皮肤替代物的超微结构。方法 :以 5月龄胎儿的背部皮肤作为细胞来源 ,在牛I型胶原凝胶中立体培养成纤维细胞 ,3d后在凝胶表面接种表皮细胞 ,2d后将培养的皮肤替代物移至培养液气液面 ,促进上皮层的成熟和角化。观察HE染色后的人工皮肤组织学结构以及透射电镜下的超微结构。结果 :所培养的生物活性皮肤替代物同时含有表皮层和真皮层。表皮层中含有基底层、棘层、颗粒层和角质层。透射电镜观察结果显示 ,生物活性皮肤表皮层中 ,棘层细胞之间以桥粒连接 ,并具有天然皮肤中的板层体、张力纤维和脂滴等结构。结论 :生物活性皮肤替代物具有与天然皮肤类似的各种超微结构 。 Objective:To observe the ultrastructure of biological living skin equivalent in vitro.Methods:Keratinocytes and fibroblasts were sourced from the back skin of legally aborted human foetus.Fibroblasts were seeded into bovine type I collagen gel and cultured for 3 days.Keratinocytes were seeded on the surface of collagen gel and cultured for another 2 days,then the equivalent skin was exposed to air-liquid interface to form a protective cornified layer.Histological structure and ultrastructure of the equivalent skin were observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope.Results:The morphogy of equivalent skin of full thickness consisted of epithlium and dermis.Epithelium was made up of stratum basale,stratum spinosum,stratum granulosum and stratum corneum.lntercellular bridge existed within the cells of different layers.Some ultrastructures in epithelium such as desmosome,Lamelle,tonofibrils and lipid droplet were found in the equivalent skin.Conclusion:Tissue-engineered skin may have the features of natural skin.
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期424-427,共4页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 军队重点项目资助 编号 :0 0Z1 0 0
关键词 生物活性 皮肤替代物 超微结构 表皮层 真皮层 Skin Tissue engineering Epithelium Dermis Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
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