AIM:To explore the value of electroneurogram (ENG) and electromyogram (EMG) i n diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) and in evaluation of rehabilita tion intervention. METHODS:Sixteen patients diagnosed as MMN were enrolled as the MMN group, and 16 healthy volunteers were used as controls. Motor nerve conduction velocity (M CV) and sensory nerve conduction velocity (SCV) were measured in the two groups. Amplitude, width, area, phases and duration of compound muscle action potential s were recorded and compared to determine whether conduction block (CB) or tempo ral dispersion existed (TD). EMG in routine was conducted in the subjects select ively. RESULTS:CB or TD was present in more than one motor nerve or more than one sit e of a motor nerve at least in the 16 patients with MMN. CB was showed in median nerve and ulnar nerve of both upper extremities of 13 MMN cases, and the other 3 cases showed CB in the distal part of median and ulnar nerves firstly, and the n CB was found in deep peroneal nerves of lower limb with the development of the conditions. SCVs slowed down slightly and the amplitude decreased only in 2 cas es of MMN. EMG showed motor neurogenic damages in the muscles suffered from the affected nerves.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
MMN is an asymmetrical peripheral neuropathy, which affects mainly the distal part of the nerve. Electroneurophysiology plays an important role in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MMN whose characteristic manifestati on is CB.