The experiment was conducted with 180 one-day-old AA broilers that were randomly divided into one control group and one trial group to study the effects of AsN1980 phytase on broilers growth performance and P utilization in low available phosphorus diets. Results showed that phytase supplement decreased F/W by 12.4%-13.4%and increased phosphorus availability by 7.63%-8.27%, both of which were significantly superior to the control group (P< 0.05).
The experiment was conducted with 180 one-day-old AA broilers that wererandomly divided into one control group and one trial group to study the effects of AsN1980 phytaseon broilers growth performance and P utilization in low available phosphorus diets. Results showedthat phytase supplement decreased F/W by 12.4% -13.4% and increased phosphorus availability by 7.63%-8, 27%, both of which were significantly superior to the control group (P <0.05).