Objective: To develop an accurate and highly specific assay of genechip for detection of Schistosoma japonicum (Sj. ) and evaluate the application value of the genechip. Methods; A conservative and specific gene sequence of an immunogenic miracidial 5D antigen of Sj. was used as probe and synthesized to be spotted on the microarray. After being extracted from sample Oncomelanian snail, a DNA fragment was amplified and labeled with fluorescence Cy3 -dUTP by dissymmetrical PCR and hybridized with the genechip, and then the genechip was scanned and analyzed. Results: The genechip showed significantly higher positive detection rate . The positive rates of areas from Jiangxi, Hunan in these positive subjects were all 100% (30/30, 20/20). The positive rate of Anhui was 85. 7%(18/21). Conclusion; The genechip can detect Oncomelanian containing Sj. with an adequate sensitivity and specificity, and it may be used for large - scale investigation.
Journal of Medical Pest Control