目的 :分析总结坚强内固定技术在面中部骨折治疗中应用的价值及意义。方法 :本组病例 72例 ,分别为LeFortⅠ、LeFortⅡ、LeFortⅢ型骨折 ,部分合并颧骨、颧弓骨折及单纯颧骨、颧弓骨折。根据骨折部位分别或联合采用口内切口、眶下缘切口及头皮冠状切口进路 ,暴露骨折端复位骨折 ,选择不同规格的小型或微型钛板固定。有骨缺损者切取颅骨外板移植修复。结果 :本组病例术后面形、开口度及咬合关系恢复正常。结论 :坚强内固定技术的广泛应用改变了传统的骨折固定方法 ,提高了骨折固定稳定性 ,保证了效果 ,能早期促进骨折愈合 。
Objective:To investigate the effect of rigid internal f ix ation(RIF) in the treatment of mid-face fracture.Methods:7 2 cases were selected, which were classified to Le FortⅠ、Le FortⅡ、Le FortⅢ( with zygomatic bone and/or arch or not)fracture and pure zygomatic bone and/or a rch fracture.According to the site of fracture,intraoral incision、infraorbital margin incision or scalp coronary incision was selected. Fractures were exposed and reducted with miniplate and/or microplate. If bone defects, cranial out tabl ets were transferred.Results:Face profile,mouth opening an d occlusion were normal.Conclusions:RIF has the advantages over conventional intermaxillary fixation(IMF), improves the stability of fract ure fixation, promotes fracture healing and guarantees the rehabilitation of mid -face.
Journal of Oral Science Research