为了给旱作春小麦高产栽培提供理论依据,在内蒙古自治区呼盟岭北、赤峰巴林左旗(林东)两个典型旱作区设置试验,对小麦群体干物质的积累规律及其不同农艺栽培措施影响下的变化进行了研究。结果表明,春小麦群体干物质积累量在生育期间均呈“S”型曲线变化。高产优化栽培条件下,群体干物质积累过程可分为三个阶段,即出苗至拔节(出苗后30 d内)为指数增长期;拔节至乳熟期(出苗后31~65 d)为直线增长期;乳熟末至完熟期(出苗后65~80 d)为缓慢增长期。不同农艺栽培措施对春小麦群体干物质积累量变化的趋势与此基本一致。生产上,确定适宜的种植密度,氨、磷、钾肥适量配合施用,可延缓开花后干物质积累速度的下降,促进小麦群体干物质积累量的增大,实现春小麦高产。
The experiment was conducted to study the dry matter accumulation of spring wheat and effect of agronomic measures on it in two dry farming sites of Inner Mongolia. The results showed that in the whole life, the dry matter accumulation of spring wheat changed as a 'S' curve. Under the optimum cultivation condition, the curve of dry matter accumulation could be divided into three phases: index increasing phase from emergence to jointing stage (30 d after emergence), liner increasing phase from jointing stage to milky stage (31-65 d after emergence) and slowly increasing phase from milky stage to riping stage (65-80 d after emergence). The dry matter accumulation of spring wheat were also the same as that in the other agronomic measures. A reasonable combination with N, P, K and reasonable density could promote the dry matter accumulation and postpone the descend of dry matter accumulation.
Journal of Triticeae Crops