为了探讨多裂骆驼蓬提取物对燕麦生长的影响,以不同浓度多裂骆驼蓬提取物将燕麦种子浸泡15 h后,进行室内常规培养,在不同时间测定种子发芽率和幼苗根系活力、过氧化氢酶和硝酸还原酶活性及幼苗培养14d时根系和茎叶的干重。结果表明,浸种处理对种子萌发有抑制作用,且浓度越高,发芽率越低;浸种可促进幼苗根系活力,增强叶片过氧化氢酶和硝酸还原酶活性,显著提高幼苗生长量,增大根冠比。
To investigate the effect of extracts of P. multisectum Maxim Bobr on oat growth, the oat seeds were soaked in the solution with different concentration of extracts of P. multisectum Maxim Bobr for 15 hours and then cultured routinely and indoors. Seed germination rate, vigor of seedling roots system, catalase, nitrate ruductase, and the dry matter weight of roots and sheet after cultivated 14 d were investigated under the different time. The results showed that the seed germination was controlled by the treatment of soaking and germination rate decreased with the increase of concentration, but the vigor of seedling roots system, catalase and nitrate reductase were raised with the increase of concentration. The seedling growth was increased remarkably, and the ratio of root and parts above soil was raised.
Journal of Triticeae Crops