
UIP临床与HRCT的对照研究——附27例报告及文献回顾 被引量:1

A clinical and high resolution CT study of 27 cases of usual interstitial pneumonia
摘要 目的 探讨普通型间质性肺炎(UIP)的临床、病理及HRCT特征,深化对UIP的认识,以提高诊断率。方法 分析27例经病理学证实的UIP患者的临床表现、支气管镜检查及HRCT的特点并复习相关文献。结果 27例病人中,男性15例,女性12例,年龄范围42-79岁,平均年龄57岁,病程3月~2年。27例均有进行性呼吸困难,其中干咳22例,杵状指9例,发热2例。肺功能检查示肺总量、残气量下降及一氧化碳弥散(DLCO)降低。支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中性粒细胞增加。胸部高分辨率CT(HRCT)示病灶主要分布在胸膜下区和双肺基底部,以斑片状磨玻璃影及网织样改变为主。结论 通过对普通型间质性肺炎的临床、肺功能、病理及HRCT的分析,有助于提高对该病的早期诊断率。 Objective To discuss the clinial and HRCT features of usual interstitial pneumonia and provide to diagnosis. Methods Review of twenty seven cases of pathologically proved UIP with the clinical. bronchoscope and HRCT presentation. Results Twenty seven cases, fifteen males and twelve females, aged from 42 -79, aveage 57, presented with a duration of symptoms on diagnosis of 3 months to 2 years, dyspnea were presented in all cases and cough in 22 cases, achropachy in 9 cases, low grade fever in 2 cases. Pulmonary function show that VC. RV and DL-CO were lower than before. Neturophilic granulocyte were increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Patchy ground-glass and reticular structures were the main finding in basilar parts of lungs on HRCT of all cases. Conclusion UIP has some clinical, pulmonary function pathologically and HRCT features that may provide clues to diagnosis.
出处 《上海医学影像》 2003年第1期9-11,共3页 Shanghai Medical Imaging
关键词 普通型间质性肺炎 临床表现 病理特征 高分辨率CT检查 Usual interstitial pneumonia(UIP) Pathology High resolution computed tomography (HRCT)
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