
乳腺磁共振检查的多序列联合应用价值 被引量:3

Combination use of multi-sequence MRI in breast
摘要 目的 探讨磁共振增强后快速动态扫描、高分辨率扫描及平扫T2W等多序列联合应用对于乳腺疾病的诊断价值。方法 对70例疑有乳腺疾病的患者行MR平扫、增强后快速动态和增强后高分辨率T1W扫描。所有病例经手术病理证实或2年以上随访。结果 70例患者中乳腺癌20例、良性病变38例、阴性12例。单纯快速动态扫描的敏感性和特异性分别为84%、74%。动态增强结合高分辨扫描及T2W检查敏感性和特异性分别为97%、94%。结论 对于乳腺疾病的MR检查,平扫T2W、增强后快速动态及高分辨扫描结合能够进一步提高诊断的敏感性和特异性。 Purpose To determine whether the combined use of fast - dynamic-contrast, high resolution and T2W sequences can improve the diagnostic performance breast MRI. Methods Seventy patients with suspected breast lesions underwent MRI scan with T2W sequence, fast - dynamic - contrast - enhancement sequence followed by a high - resolution 3D T1W sequence. All lesions were verified by pathologic evaluation or by up to two - years follow up. Results There were 20 patients with carcinomas, 38 patients with various benign lesions, and 12 patients with no positive findings. The sensitivity and specificity for fast - dynamic - contrast - enhancement sequence were 84% and 74% . When combined with T2W sequences and a contrast high resolution 3D T1W sequence, the sensitivity and specificity were 97% , 94% , respectively. Conclusion The combination use of T2W, fast - dynamic - contrast - enhancement sequence followed with a high - resolution 3D T1W sequence can significantly improve the sensitivity and specificity of breast MRI Both dynamic enhancement and high - resolution morphologic characteristics are important for the diagnosis.
出处 《上海医学影像》 2003年第1期26-29,共4页 Shanghai Medical Imaging
关键词 乳腺疾病 磁共振检查 平扫T2W信号 增强扫描 高分辨率扫描 MRI Breast lesion Contrast - enhancement
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