目的 探讨建立院间远程会诊系统的可能性和实用性。方法 图像设备通过TCP/IP协议与图像工作站PC机连接,经压缩后通过ADSL与一个固定TP地址的中间存储空间相连,解压缩后与远程工作站PC机相连。结果 实现图像的异地会诊与咨询,各医院间资料可进行交流,并通过光盘存储节约大量复制胶片。结论 院间远程会诊系统的建立能使下级医院充分利用上级医院的专家资源,各家医院可通过中间存储空间进行图像数据交流,实现资源共享并可为各家医院节约数量可观的资金。
Purpose To evaluate possibility and practicability of teleconsultation among the hospitals. Methods Image equipments were directly connected to the personal computers using TCP/IP protocol All compressed to the serve of ADSL, which had a same IP address. The terminal PCs download the compressed images, uncompressed and read images serving as teleconsulafion. Results The teleconsultafion of medical images had been realized, and the images could be recorded on the laser discs and the film had been saved a lot. Conclusions After the teleconsultafion has been setup, the local (junior) hospitals can use of the expert resource of the district (superior) hospitals effectively. The hospitals can easily communicate, make use of and share the medical image resource, also have made more financial profit.
Shanghai Medical Imaging