
中国蟾蜍科一新属 被引量:3

摘要 对世界蟾蜍科动物的分类现状做了概述 ,并对我国原定名为鳞皮游蟾NectophrynescalptusLiuandHu(1973)及叶昌媛等 (1978)将其改为鳞皮厚蹼蟾Pelophrynescalptus (Frost,1985订正种名为scalpta)的海南标本做了进一步研究 ,与现有蟾蜍科各属、特别是与东南亚地区的几个特有属的特征做了对比研究。结果表明 :原定名为鳞皮游蟾Nectophrynescalptus的海南标本应代表一个新属即小蟾属Parapelophrynegen .nov .,因此原定名为鳞皮游蟾 (或鳞皮厚蹼蟾 )的标本为新属的成员 ,即种名应改为鳞皮小蟾Parapelophrynescalpta (LiuandHu)。 Parapelophryne gen. nov. Type species: Nectophryne scalptus Liu and Hu, 1973: 389. Diagnosis. (1)Tensor fasciae latae muscle straplike, originating on anterior tip of ilium and inserting on proximal 1/3 of cruralis muscle; (2) semitendinosus muscle a thin slip visible for 1/2 of its length, inserting via a long tendon; (3) adductor longus muscle absent; (4) depressor mandibulae arising on the postero-ventral edge of the annulus tympanicus SQ at contition (McDiarmid, 1971); (5)adductor mandibulae muscle present in S and E condition (McDiarmid, 1971); (6) frontoparietal bone of normal extent, in contact along midline, concealing frontoparietal fontanelle; (7) occipital groove not closed; (8) leading edge of premaxillary plat form twice as wide as medial edge; (9) septomaxilla small; (10) palatines present (11) vomers small, edentate; (12) parasphenoid pointed anteriorly, overlapping sphenethmoid complex medially; (13) squamosal stem (ventral ramus) not rotated, pointed anterior process (= zygomatic ramus), dorsal arm (= otic ramus) articulated with prootic; (14) quadratojugal reduced; (15) pterygoid developed and of normal extent; (16) sphenethmoid complex ossified completely; (17) orbitosphenoid cartilage not ossified; (18) quadrate cartilaginous, restricted to lower part of suspensorium; (19) prearticular curve in mandible posterior to midpoint, Meckels cartilage unossified; (20) anterior process of ceratohyal (= hyale of hyoid plate) absent; (21) hypobranchial Ⅰ(= alary process of hyoid) present with narrow base; hypobranchial Ⅱ (= posterolateral process of hyoid) present; (22) constrictor laryngis posterior muscle absent; (23) eight presacral vertebrae; (24) atlas not fused with second vertebra; (25) sacrum not fused with trunk vertebra; (26) coccyx with bicondylar articulation with sacrum; (27) sacral diapophryses greatly expanded; (28) pectoral girdle fully arciferal; (29) sternum present; (30) ilia, sacral diapophyses articulate in a flat joint; (31) 2 proximal carpals in hand, 3 distal carpals; (32) a sesamoid on ventral surface of the carpus; (33) phalangeal formula of hand 1-2-3-3; pollical phalanges not reduced in size; hands with web; (34) phalangeal formula of foot 2-2-3-4-3; (35) middle ear apparatus present; tympanum present, visible externally; (36) ostia pharyngea present; (37) vocal slits present; (38) habitus bufoniform, body length never exceeds three time width (19∶7); (39) skin rugose, covered with small round warts; (40) Bidders organ kidney-like, brown; (41) testicular peritoneum slighly pigmented; (42) eggs yellow, 28-50 total counts,2.5mm in diameter (in ovary ), development until metamorphosis not observed; (43) body length: ♂, 20.6±1.2mm (n=16); ♀, 26.0±1.8mm (n=3). Biological data. The adults are commonly found in leaf-litters on forest floors, occasionally on shrubs close to small mountain streams at 350-1400m above sea level. Breeding takes place from April to June. Distribution. Known only from the type locality of the type species, Parapelophryne scalpta, Xin-min Ziang, Wuzhi Mt. and Dali of Diaolu Mt., Hainan Prov. China. Etymology. Parapelophryne is named from Greek “para' meaning similar to Pelophryne. Justification of taxonomy. Removal of Pelophryne scalpta (=Nectophryne scalptus) from the genus Pelophryne is reasonable because it has none of the derived features possessed by all other species of the genus: six to seven presacral vertebrae, atlas fused with second vertebra, coccyx fused with sacrum by lateral expansion, subarticular tubercles of the fingers and toes absent or indistinct, no palatines. Comparisons with Asian genera. Pseudobufo, Pedostibes, Torrentophryne and Bufo differ from new genus in that they lay small, numerous, pigmented ova in strings, and in the last three genera, the tensor fasciae latae muscle is short and quadratojugal well developed in contrast to Parapelophryne. Bufo and Torrentophryne have an adductor longus muscle, absent in Parapelophryne. Pedostibes differs from Parapelophryne in having tips of fingers with truncted broad disk; pha
出处 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期762-766,共5页 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金 (30 0 0 0 0 1 8) 中科院生命科学特别基金项目 (STZ 0 1 1 9)资助
关键词 蟾蜍科 游蟾属 新属 厚蹼蟾属 Bufonidae, Nectophryne, Pelophryne, gen. nov
  • 相关文献



  • 1饶定齐,Zool Res,1994年,15卷,增刊,142页
  • 2杨大同,1991年
  • 3杨大同,The amphibia fauna of Yunnan,1991年
  • 4Jiang Yaoming,Acat Herpetologica Sin,1983年,2卷,3期,71页
  • 5杨大同,Science Compilation of KIZ,1978年,8卷,1页












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