
流体静压力作用下人牙囊细胞CSF-1的表达 被引量:2

Expression of CSF-1 in cultured human dental follicle cells under different hydrostatic pressures
摘要 目的 :研究体外培养的人牙囊细胞在不同流体静压力作用下对细胞分泌CSF -1的影响 ,探讨CSF -1在牙齿萌出过程中的作用。方法 : 取 12岁男孩埋藏阻生牙齿的牙囊进行人牙囊细胞培养 ,将传代的培养细胞分别在 5 0、10 0、15 0、2 0 0kPa流体静压力作用 1h后再分别培养 2 4、48、72h ,使用ELISA方法观察细胞培养液中CSF -1的浓度。结果 : 培养的人牙囊细胞呈梭形 ,主要为成纤维样细胞 ,细胞免疫组化染色显示人牙囊细胞中CSF -1的表达呈阳性 ,定位于细胞的胞质中 ,随流体静压力的增大染色增强 ,随压力的增大而增强。ELISA检测的CSF -1浓度随流体静压力的增大而增加 ,在一定的时间段内也随培养时间的延长而增加 ,具有时间性。结论 :培养的人牙囊细胞具有合成与分泌CSF -1的能力 ,流体静压力可以促进体外培养的人牙囊细胞CSF -1的分泌。 Objective:To investigate the effects of the secretion of Colony Stimulating Factor -1(CSF-1) in cultured Human dental follicle cells after incubation under different hydrostatic pressures.Method: Immunohistochemical staining technique was used to observe the expression CSF-1 in cultured Human dental follicle cells and an ELISA technique was used to quantitate the amount of!CSF-1 secreted by the cells after incubation under different hydrostatic pressuses: 50、100、150、200 kpa. Result: Dental follicle cells cultured were elongate shape, exhibited fibroblastic characteristics. The expression of CSF-1 showed positive by cells. The CSF-1 of cells under hydrostatic pressures was heavily stained. An ELISA demonstrated a progressive increase in the amount of CSF-1 secreted with increasing hydrostatic pressure added to the cells.Conclusion: The results indicated that CSF-1 was synthesized and secreted by the dental follicle cells, and hydrostatic pressure enhanced the secretion of CSF-1.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2003年第11期664-666,共3页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
基金 陕西省自然科学基金资助 (2 0 0 2C2 - 1 4 )
关键词 人牙囊细胞 CSF-1 流体静压力 免疫组化 ELISA CSF-1 hydrostatic pressure human dental follicle cell immunohistochemistry ELISA
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