目的 :研究青少年类风湿性关节炎侵及颞颌关节对患者牙合关系的影响。方法 :研究组 8名患有青少年类风湿性关节炎侵及颞下颌关节的病例 ,均为女性 ,分为三个阶段 ,第 1阶段平均 10岁 ,第 2阶段平均 12岁 ,第3阶段平均 14岁。对照组 8名患有青少年类风湿性关节炎未侵及颞颌关节的病例 ,相同的性别 ,年龄。对三个阶段的牙牙合模型进行测量 ,分析牙牙合关系的发展变化。用t检验检查两组间的差异。结果 :研究组以AngleII类错牙合为主 ,上下前牙拥挤 ,前牙开牙合 ,上颌前突明显高于对照组。使用功能矫正器治疗 ,拥挤可以解除 ,前牙开牙合 ,上颌前突 ,磨牙II类错牙合得以缓解。结论 :类风湿性关节炎侵及颞颌关节将导致患儿错牙合畸形。
Objective:to investigate malocclusion on JCA patients with temperomandibular lesions. Method:8 girls with Juvenile Chronic Arthritis and temperomandibular joints (TMJ) involvement in growth periods and three stages were chosen, before,during and after growth peak, the first stage was 10 years old, the second stage was 12 years old, the third stage was 14 years old , compared to 8 JCA girls without TMJ involvement at the same periods.Three stages plastic casts were measured . T-test was used to test the difference between two groups and three stages.Result:Angle class II division 1,open bite,up and low incisor crowding,protrusion were higher in study group than control group. After using activitor, incisor crowding was treated and open bite, protrusion,Angle class II division 1 were improved ,but not be corrected.Conclusion:Malocclusion was higher on JCA patients with TMJ involvement.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology