
中华蜜蜂交配和产卵行为生态学研究 被引量:13

Behavior ecological study on copulation and oviposition of Apis cerana cerana Fab
摘要 研究了中华蜜蜂 (ApisceranaceranaFab .)蜂王与雄蜂交配行为生态以及蜂王产卵行为生态 .结果表明 ,温度对中华蜜蜂蜂王和雄蜂封盖子期影响 ,导致蜂王初生重、性成熟时间差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 ) .蜂王和雄蜂认巢飞行次数分别为 1.2 3~ 1.31和 1.0 8~ 1.13,持续时间分别为 0 .12~ 0 .13和 0 .16~ 0 .2 0h ;蜂王和雄蜂交配飞行次数分别为 1.10~ 1.12和 1.0 1~ 1.0 5 ,持续时间分别为 0 .2 2~ 0 .2 3和 0 .18~ 0 .2 3h ;蜂王与雄蜂交配最适宜温度为 2 0~ 2 8℃ .蜂王交配飞行一次侧输卵管的精子数为 3.37× 10 6~ 4 .15×10 6,自然交配产卵蜂王受精囊精子数为 3.5 5× 10 6~ 3.6 2× 10 6.蜂王初生重与产卵量之间呈正相关 ,周年蜂王产卵量受气候和蜜粉源影响明显 . The behavior ecology of copulation and oviposition of Apis cerana cerana Fab. was studied. The results showed that temperature influence on the cell-covered time of Apis cerana cerana queen and drone induced the remarkable difference in their newborn weight and mature time (P<0.05). Queen and drone fly frequency for discerning cell was 1.23~1.31 and 1.08~1.13,and duration was 0.12~0.13h and 0.16~0.20h. Their copulation fly frequency was 1.10~1.12 and 1.10~1.05,and duration was 0.22~0.23h and 0.18~0.23h. The most suitable temperature for copulation was 20~28℃. The number of semen in side-oviduct of the queen in each copulation fly was 3.37×10 6~4.15×10 6,and in natural copulation,semen number in spermathecal sac was 3.55 ×10 6~3.62×10 6. There was a direct relationship between queen newborn weight and ovulation number. The annual effect of climate and flower fertility on the queen's ovulation number was obvious.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第11期1951-1954,共4页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 安徽省自然科学基金资助项目 (0 3 0 412 0 2 )
关键词 中华蜜蜂 蜂王 雄蜂 交配行为 产卵行为 Apis cerana cerana Fab.,Honeybee queen,Drone,Copulation,Oviposition
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