泌尿外科腹腔镜手术开展已有十余年 ,随着手术方式的不断改进以及腔镜技术的日益完善 ,目前大部分切除和重建手术已可以应用腹腔镜来完成。一些技术已经成熟并定型 ,一些正处于不断的完善中 ,还有一些尚存在争议。本文对泌尿外科腹腔镜手术的手术方式。
Laparoscopic surgery has been performed in urology for more than 10 years. With the innovation of surgical approaches and advancement of technology, most of the ablative and reconstructive surgery can be done with laparoscopes. Some of the techniques are mature and well established as routine procedures, some are in progress, whereas others remain controversial. This article reviews the surgical approaches, progresses in indications and new techniques of laparoscopic surgery in urology.
Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery