目的 :探讨女阴假性湿疣的临床特征 ,以免误诊为尖锐湿疣。方法 :经病理诊断的女阴假性湿疣 94例 ,并与同期 84例尖锐湿疣对照 ,对比临床特征、阴道镜下征象、病理检查及HPV -Ag结果。结果 :假性湿疣多无不洁性生活 ,外观为 1~ 2mm颗粒状增生物 ,光滑 ,阴道镜下呈小泡状及丝状、手指状增生 ,病理切片见表皮增厚 ,棘层浅层可见空泡样细胞 ,HPV -Ag阴性。结论 :通过临床症状 ,借助阴道镜检查 ,对女阴假性湿疣可做出诊断 ,必要时行病理检查及HPV
Objective To study the clinical characteristics of vulval pseudocondyloma.Methods 94 cases of patients with vulval pseudocondyloma were compared with 82 cases of patients with condyloma accuminatum by colposcopically findings and pathological examination and the result of deternination of HPV-Ag.Results The majority of the patients had no histories of illegal intercourses.The vulval pseudocondyloma were showed colposcopically as a granular,vesic-、finger-,and silk-like proliferative object (1~2 mm),being smooth surface.It were observed in the pathologic slices microscopically that the epiderm was thiching and there are physalifarm cells in the superficial stratum spinosum.The HPV-Ag in the serum of the patients was negative reaction.Conclusion The vulval pseudocondylomas may be diagnosed by the clinical features,colposcopic finding,and in case of neccessity by biopsy and by determination of HPV-Ag.
Journal of Yunyang Medical College