目的 介绍保留鞘膜睾丸下降固定术 ,探讨其优越性及注意事项。方法 采用保留鞘膜睾丸下降固定术治疗 6 2例隐睾。结果 6 2例中 6 1例完整保留鞘膜在无张力情况下 ,把睾丸固定在阴囊最低位 ,1例至阴囊上方 ,随诊 41例 ,期限 1~ 4年 ,没有 1例发生睾丸回缩或睾丸萎缩 ,且睾丸在阴囊内滑动良好。
Objective: To introduce the procedure of orchiopexy with tunica vaginalis communis for undescended testicle,and study its advantages and main points in perferming the operation. Methods: 62 cases of undescended testicle were operated upon by means of the procedure mentioned above.Results: 61 out of the 62 patients had their testis drawn readily into the scrotal bottom with its own tunica vaginalis intact and in the other case the testis could just be placed in the upper part of the scrotum without tension.In the 41 cases followed-up for 1~4 years, no testis retraction or testis atrophy was found, and the testis was able to slide satisfactorily up and down in the scrotum. Conclusion: Orchiopexy with tunica vaginalis communis may be one of the best operative remedies for undcscended testicle.
Hainan Medical Journal