目的 探讨产妇分娩时剃除阴毛与否和侧切伤口愈合的关系。对分娩前保留阴毛与剃除阴毛的备皮方法进行临床研究。方法 选择相同条件的初产妇随机抽样分组 ,一组保留阴毛 ,另一组剃除阴毛。在伤口愈合、细菌培养及心理方面进行比较。结果 两组产妇在会阴切口愈合方面差异无显著性 ,在细菌培养方面差异有显著性 ,在心理方面 ,保留阴毛使产妇在心理上得到安慰 ,降低术后不适感。结论 分娩时保留阴毛不影响会阴伤口愈合 ,有一定的优越性 。
Objection To investigate the relationship of preserved or not preserved skin shaving with the wound healing of the perineum Method The first time lying in women were divided into two groups randomly, with one group preserved skin shaving and the other not Wound healing, bacterial culture and psychology of the lying in women were compared Result There was no significant difference in wound healing but significant difference in bacterial culture Preserved skin shaving may bring psychological consolation to lying in women and reduce the discomfort after labour Conclusion Preserved skin shaving does not effect wound healing and is worthwhile for popularization
Journal of Branch Campus of the First Military Medical University