目的将射频气化低温切除技术用于膝关节镜手术中,观察其临床使用效果。方法在膝关节镜手术主中使用射频气化仪对21例35部位进行了手术,包括有半月板切除、滑膜切除、软骨病灶清理、交叉韧带残端及髁间清理及术中止血等。结果 半月板切除手术更加快捷,尤其便于处理较为隐蔽已到达的后角处的损伤;软骨修整成形良好,对邻近正常软骨损伤小;对交叉韧带残端及髁间清理彻底;术中止血迅速有效。术后随访半年,临床效果良好。结论 射频气化具有良好的低温切除、止血作用,副损伤小,是关节镜手术进行切除与止血便捷有效的新方法。
Objective To investigate the clinical effects of radiofrequency coblation technology on arthroscop- ic surgery of knee joint. Methods Meniscectomy, synovectomy, resection and debridement of cruciate ligament stump, treatment of articular cartilage lesion and hemostasis with ArthroCare 2000 were performed in 21 patients, total 35 location of lesions in arthroscopic surgery of knee joint. Results Radiofrequency coblation technology was effec- tive for treatment of menisci injury, hemostasis in operation reconstruction of cruciate ligament. It had advantags of less injury, quick recovery, no influence on knee function and the clinical followed- up period lasting 6 months showed a good results Conclusions Radiofrequency coblation technology appears to be safe and operation with easy during arthroscopic surgery of knee joint.
Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery