目的 总结老年人心绞痛伴反复发作心动过缓的起搏器治疗经验。方法 对 1984~ 1998年收治的心绞痛伴心动过缓 5 0例患者进行人工心脏起搏器治疗 ,并于术后 1年、5年、10年进行随访观察。结果 术后 1年和 5年患者临床心绞痛症状明显减轻 ,用药量明显减少 ,住院时间缩短 ,与术前对照差异有显著意义 (P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1)。生存率为 10 0 %。但术后 10年不够理想 ,差异无显著意义 ,10 0 %患者再次住院治疗 ,生存率为 90 %。结论 人工心脏起搏器治疗冠心病伴心动过缓是一种近期有效的治疗方法 ,可明显减轻临床症状 ,减少住院治疗次数 。
Objective To summary experience of pacing treatment on angina pectoris companied by bradycardia.Methods Tewety five patients were treated with pacemaker and they were follow up 10 years after operation.Results The clinic symptom drug dosage and hospitalization time were markly reduced during 1 and 5 year post operation.Survival rate is 100%,but they weren't significant difference 10 years after operation.Conclusion It's very efficacious that the pacing treatment on bradycardia with coronary heart disease.