目的:为广大全科医师合理应用抗高血压药提供参考。方法:介绍了国内及国外抗高血压药的应用现状,并对5类药物进行了 药效、毒性的比较。结果与结论:为了满足广大高血压患者长期用药的需要及缩小城乡之间的用药差距,希望有关制药企业尽快开 发出价廉物美的新制剂。
OBJECTIVE:To present the rational use of antihypertensives for general practitioners' reference. METHODS:To introduce the current situation of use of antihypertensives at home and abroad and to compare the efficacy and toxicity among 5 kinds of antihypertensives. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: In order to meet the needs of long - term drug - use of numerous hypertensive patients, we hope that the pharmaceutical factories should develop new, cheap but excellent products.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China