目的:探讨肾移植术后感染并发症的用药选择。方法:对我院2048/2137例次肾移植中完整的27例尸检资料进行回顾性分 析,并对肾移植术后发生严重感染的50例患者进行病原学调查。结果与结论:感染是肾移植术后常见的并发症;肾移植后感染的病 原菌有其特定的茵群谱,及时诊断与联合治疗可显著提高感染的治愈率。
OBJECTIVE: To discuss the choice of drugs used for infective complications in the post - renal - transplant course. METHODS: Data of 27 autopsies of patients, who died after renal transplantation in 2048 cases/2137 transplantations, were restropectively analysed. Pathogenic survey was carried out in 50 post - transplant patients complicated with severe infections. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: Infection is one of the common complications after renal transplantation. Characterized germ spectrum exists in severe post - renal - transplantation infections. Prompt diagnosis and combined therapy may improve the curative rate of infections.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China