目的:分析长江流域6城市干扰素应用的现状和趋势,做出客观评估。方法:调查长江流域6城市136家医院1998年~2000年干 扰素应用金额、生产企业等,分析临床应用情况。结果:干扰素应用金额1998年、1999年、2000年分别为25 925 795、28 512 161、 28 038 402元,国产干扰素应用比例逐年增加。结论:随着干扰素价格的下降和q一干扰素成为《国家基本医疗保险药品目录》中的 一员,干扰素的应用量将快速增长。
OBJECTIVE: To survey and objectively evaluate the present situation and trend of the usages of interfer-on. METHODS: To make a survey of the interferon used in 136 hospitals of 6 cities in the Yangtse valley of China during the period 1998-2000 in respect to the sum of money for drugs, production enterprises etc.and to analyse the situation of clinical use. RESULTS: The sums of money for the interferon were 25 925 795 yuans and 28 512 161 yuans and 28 038 402 yuans in 1998, in 1999 and in 2000, respectively. The proportion of domestic interferon in total consumption of interferon increased year by year. CONCLUSION: With the interferon declining in price and interferon-α having been fixed as a drug in state Basic Drugs for Medical Insurance, its consumption will increase at a high speed.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China