目的:运用药物经济学评价防治小儿急性阑尾炎术后感染的3种治疗方案。方法:选择119例患急性阑尾炎并行阑尾切除术的患儿.根据阑尾病理切片结果将其分为I组和Ⅱ组,分别给予A、B、C 3种不同的治疗方案。A方案:头孢唑啉钠+青霉素G+甲硝唑;B方案:头孢噻肟钠+青霉素G+甲硝唑;C方案:头孢唑啉钠+青霉素G+甲硝唑+凯福隆。对3种方案进行回顾性分析评价。结果:对于I组患儿,A、B方案为优选治疗方案;对于Ⅱ组患儿,A方案为较佳治疗方案。结论:应用药物经济学可优化治疗方案,指导合理用药。
OBJECTIVE:A pharmacoeconomical analysis was performed to evaluate three therapeutic schemes for preventing post - appendectomy infections in children. METHODS: The study included 119 children undergoing appendectomy .According to the pathological results of appendix, they were divided into group I and group II ,and treated with three different schemes respectively .The schemes consisted of A: cefazolin + benzylpenicillin + metronidazole, B: cefotaxime + benzylpenicillin + metron-idazole and C;cefazolin +benzylpenicillin + metronidazole + claforan.These three schemes were assessed with pharmacoeconomic evaluation.RESULTS:As for group I .scheme A and B were better than scheme C.As for group II ,scheme A was the best. CONCLUSION:Application of pharmacoeconomics will optimize therapeutic scheme and guide rational use of drugs.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China