长期以来,中国农业是在国家高度保护之下发展的,进口冲击影响很小。加人 W’FO,向世界开放国内市场,短期内会对中国农业带来一系列的冲击,然而也给中国农业发展带来新的机遇。文章通过中国农业与欧美农业的比较,WTO有关农产品贸易的规定,入世对中国农业影响等的分析,探索符合我国农业发展的新路,提出调整我国农产品贸易体制等对策。
Under national protection the agriculture has been developing for many years, and the importation has had little impact on it. China's entrancing WTO will bring more chances than risks for agriculture in China when the home market is opened to the world. The whole thesis can be divided into three parts: , the framework of the world primary product trade ,positive and negative influence after entering WTO , improvement of integrative competitive power in agriculture as the measure to meet the challenge.
Journal of Jinhua Polytechnic