本文介绍了一种新型脉搏快速测量系统。该系统的数据采集部分采用光电传感器,使测量无接触,从而提高精确性;数据处理部分采用了Altera公司的复杂可编程逻辑器件(CPLD),集成度高,数据处理功能强大。设计方法采用VHDL硬件描述语言,在EDA软件平台MAX+PLUS Ⅱ中进行。文中给出了系统的工作原理、电路组成及时序仿真结果。
This paper introduced a new pulse fast measuring system. The sampling part of this system selected a photoelectric sensor to avoid contact measuring and improved accuracy. A kind of Complex Programmable Devices (CPLD) supplied by Altera was used to deal with the data and Hardware Description Language-vhdl was adopted to develop the device. The system's mechanism, circuit composition and time sequential simulation results were given in this paper.
Journal of Jinhua Polytechnic