中医药是中国历史文化的产物。农业生产实践、农业科技进步是中医药产生与发展的源泉与动力 ;各代的医学政策在一定程度上左右了中医药发展的方向及进程 ;儒家思想(民族精神 )渗透到医学领域 ,为中医药发展带来了勃勃生机 ;佛教“医方明”
Chinese Medicine is the product of Chinese historic culture,the agricultural practice and scientific progress are the source and power of the emergence and development of Chinese Medicine. In each dynasty, the medical policy determined the direction and process of Chinese Medicine′s development. Confucian thought (national spirit) penetrated into the medical field, bringing full vitality for the development of Chinese Medicine. The entrance of Buddhistical “Yifangmin” and the alchemy of Taoism followers greatly enriched the treasure_house of Chinese Medicine.
Journal of Jingmen Technical College