在化探定位的基础上 ,通过浅层地震勘探、钻探地质剖面和新地层年代学等多手段探测研究 ,首次查明了聊考隐伏断裂晚第四纪以来的位错量和最新一期活动时代 ,厘定了断裂位错上断点达地表 2 0m以下 ,最新一期活动在全新世早期 ,属浅埋的隐伏活动断裂。断裂第四纪以来的平均位错速率为 0 12mm/a ,在中国东部属中等偏强的一类隐伏活动断裂。
After the location is determined by geochemical survey, the most recent active epoch of Liaocheng\|Lankao buried fault since Quaternary is acquired, based on the near\|surface geological survey, sub\|surface seismic exploration, drilling geological section and neo\|strata dating. The upper offset point is bellow 20m in depth. The most recent movement occurred at the early of Holocene and the fault can be classified as a shallow\|buried active fault. The average offset velocity of the fault since Quaternary is 0 12mm/a, belonging to a moderately strong buried active fault.
Earthquake Research in China