要与传统的教育模式决裂 ,实施素质教育和创新教育 ,以基础力学 (尤其是理论力学 )课程为突破口是合适的 .文中详细讨论了具体改革内容、改革目标和拟解决的关键问题 .核心是教学方法的改革———教师讲课和师生共同讨论相结合 ,以及如何掌握启发、引导的分寸 .为实施改革方案 ,应精心编著一本与新教学方法配套的基础力学新教材、精心组织教学、给学生更多的自主权与选择权、采用多种辅助教学手段。
In order to break with the traditional education mode, carry out“quality” and“opening up creative ideas” education, it is suitable to make a breakhrough in education of basic mechanics(especially theoreticalmechanics). In this paper the content, objective and key problems to be solved in education reformation are discussed in detail. The kernel is to practice enlightenment\|type education__the teaching should be connected with teacher\|students symposium and how to control the level of enlightenment and direction. In order to carry out reformation scheme, it is necessary to compile a new teaching material of basic mechanics corresponding to the new teaching method, organize teaching meticulously, give the students more right of decision and selection, use various kinds of aid education methods, recover the experiment course of theoretical mechanics.
Journal of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology
浙江省面向 2 1世纪教学内容与课程体系改革项目