第 6 0医院是驻云南边陲的小医院 ,由于各种原因 ,发展十分困难。近年来 ,坚持“发展才是硬道理”的思想 ,大胆确立改革创新的建设思路 ,塑造一专多能的人才 ,在当地形成自己的专科特色 ,引进能形成竞争力的设备 ,想方设法占领医疗市场 。
No 60 hospital is a small hospital in the border area in Yunnan. Due to the many reasons, its development is very difficult. Recently, they insist on the thought that the “development is just a forcedful principle ”. They establish bravely the management thinking pathway of reform and innovation. They figure the person with ability of the many sided person.The own characteristic of the specialized subject is formed in the local area.The equipments able to form the competive ability are introduced. They make every effort to occupy the medical market to make this hospital greater development.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army