该文回顾总结了深圳市实施职工基本医疗保险制度的实践经验 ,主要内容包括 :建立医疗保险社会化服务网络 ;不断探索和改进医疗费用结算办法 ;建立对医患双方的制约机制 ;加强对特殊人群医疗费用的管理工作 ;加强各有关部门的协调配合 ;建立健全医疗保险管理专业队伍。
This paper reviews the practical experiments after implemented essential health insurance system in Shenzhen. Major points include: establishing health insurance social service network, continuously improving health expenditure accounting system, establishing interact mechanism both on provider and consumer, strengthening health expenditure management in special population, strengthening coordination among multiple sectors, improving professional personnel on health insurance management.
Chinese Health Resources