目的 :在整体护理过程中对巡视病房的时间、内容、方式及作用进行进一步探索。方法 :实行护士长、责任组长、责任护士三级巡视 ;采用例行性巡视和检查性巡视两种形式 ;巡视中把看、问、讲、查相结合。内容 :查找护理问题、检查病区秩序、回答病人的问题、实施健康教育。结果 :增强了对病人情况的了解和掌握、加强了与病人的沟通、能及时发现问题、随时实施健康教育。结论
Objective: To further explore'when, what and how to apply ward round'for holistic nursing model. Methods: Routine rounding and inspection rounding were used and the content included: ① routine round: checking wether any drawbacks occurs, inspecting wether the ward was in order or not, answering patient's questions, and implementing health education. ② grading round: different levels of ward round of head nurse,leaders of nursing group and nurses in charge. During the inspection, looking around, questioning, lecture and inspection simultaneously. Results: It is suggested that ward round facilitiate the better understanding of patient's conditions and the communications with patients. Besides, the drawbacks can be checked out in time and health education can be carried out at any time during the process.Conclusion: Ward round is beneficial for application of holistic nursing.
Journal of Nursing Administration