通过对夯扩桩的发展历史、适用条件、优缺点及施工工艺和施工中常见问题的处理等方面的阐述 ,说明在适当的地质条件下采用夯扩桩处理地基 ,只要施工工艺合理 ,严格监控桩身质量 ,一定能达到提高地基承载力 ,减少房屋建筑沉降的目的 ,而且可以明显降低工程造价。最后对夯扩桩存在的问题以及夯扩桩的技术发展进行了总结分析。
Based on the analysis of the historical development of rammed-expand pile,its applicable condition,advantages,faults and some common problems in construction and construction procedure,in is put forward that using rammed-expand pile for ground treatment,under proper geological conditions,We can certainly reach the aim of improving ground bearing capacity and reducing building settlement as long as the construction procedure is reasonable and the quality of pile is supervised.In addition the construction cost can be cut down.Finally the paper gives the analysis and conclusion to the existing problems in the application of rammed-expand and the improvement of its technique.
Journal of Zhejiang Institute of Communications