目的 为了改变圆钝肥大的鼻尖。方法 根据鼻尖的圆钝程度 ,采用内外一起 ,综合步骤相结合的方法 :即在塑造鼻尖内部软骨形态的同时 ,修整鼻尖部外覆的皮肤 ,并辅以机械磨削 ,人工支架 ,埋线塑形等手段 ,以纠正鼻尖的圆钝肥大。结果 自 1997年以来 ,本组 12例 ,经 4个月~ 3年术后随访 ,获得满意效果。结论 鼻尖圆钝肥大的治疗难点主要在于鼻尖部过厚过多的皮肤组织 ,单纯修整鼻尖部的软骨往往收效甚微。因此 ,在整个治疗过程中鼻下部皮瓣的修整和塑形是手术成功的关键。
Objective To improve the rhinoplastic result of the wide and bulbous nasal tip . Methods According to the degree of the wide and bulbous tip, several procedures were adopted to beautify them.①Thinning of the alar cartilage;②Trimming of the skin of tip;③Mechanical polishing of the tip skin;④Insertion of a septocolumellar support;⑤Narrowing of the base of nose with the clinching suture;⑥Marginal resection of the alae.Results Since l997, l2 cases of rhinoplasty have been performed with good results. Conclusion The major difficult factor of rhinoplasty of wide and bulbous nasal tip is that the nasal tip has undue thick skin. Only thinning of the alar catilages is not enough. So the trimming and reconstruetion of the tip skin flap is the key to success in the whole process.