

An elementary introduction artistic way and commercial way
摘要 在市场经济条件下 ,艺、商联姻已成为新的趋势 ,商道可以为艺道提供丰富的物质基础 ,促使艺道树立商场观念 ,艺道和商道可以相互拓展生存空间。然而艺、商联姻 ,不等于二者的价值相同 ,艺术之道按精神文化规律运行 ,和按经济规律运行的商品之道有着本质的差别。艺术品除了这种交换价值 ,还有它自身的艺术价值。交换价值只能体现经济效益 ,无法体现精神效益。艺术生产不同于物质产品的生产。惟利是图必然导致艺术比例的失调。因此 ,艺术的生产需要市场手段和非市场手段相统一的综合调控。这就需要在使用市场杠杆的同时 ,还必须使用政府管理、法规监护、学科调研、舆论导引、社会协作等手段 ,使艺道与商道共生于社会文化结构中 。 In market economy condtions,the alliance of art and commerce has become a new trend.The commercial way can provide abundant material base for the artistic way.It can urge the artistic way to set up market outlook,the artistic way and the commercial way can mutually expand the living space.However,the alliance doesn't mean that their value is the same.The artistic way runs according to the spirit culture's law,which is essentially different with the commercial way which runs according to the economy law.A work of art has its own art value besides the exchaneg value.Exchange value can reflect economic benefits only,but it can't reflect spirit benefits.Art producing is different with material producing.Being interested only in material gaining would lead to art's proportion dislocation.So,art producing requires a kind of comprehensive regulation which depends on the alliance of market method and non market method.We should make use of not only the market lever,but also some methods,such as government administration,law's control,academic research,media's guide,social cooperation.So that the artistic way and the commercial way can coexist in social culture structure,and come to a benign movement of culture,and come to a benign movement of culture reproduuction.
作者 任遂虎
出处 《甘肃广播电视大学学报》 2001年第2期24-27,共4页 Journal of Gansu Radio & Television University
关键词 艺道 商道 艺商联姻 艺术价值 综合调控 the artistic way the commercial way the alliance of the artistic way and the commercial way art value comprehensive regulation
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