目的 :为临床诊断、手外科的应用以及掌指关节假体的设计提供解剖学资料和参考依据。方法 :随机选择健康汉族大学生 186人 (男 90人 ,女 96人 ) ,进行双手后前位X线摄片 ,分别测量各掌骨、近节指骨的长度及髓腔长度、最窄处宽度及最窄处与相应掌骨或指骨轴长中点的距离 ,将所得数据应用SPSS软件进行统计学分析。结果 :第Ⅱ~Ⅴ掌骨髓腔最狭窄段在骨干中点近侧约 3mm~ 8mm处。掌骨髓腔长度大约为掌骨长的 3/5 ,近节指骨髓腔长度大约为近节指骨长的 4 /5。掌骨髓腔长与掌骨长比值性别间有显著性差异 ;近节指骨髓腔长与近节指骨长比值中 ,除拇指外性别间无显著性差异。结论
Objective:To provide anatomic data and information for clinical diagnosis, the design of the metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesis and surgery of hand.Methods:They of hands 186 healthy college students'(M 90,F 96) were taken X-ray films on posteroanterior position.The length of each metacarpal and phalange,the length and the most stenotic sit of the metacarpal and phalanx medullary cavity were measured respectively.All the data were calculated by SPSS software.Results:The length of the metacarpal and phalanx medullary cavity accounted for about 3/5 and 4/5 of the length of the matacarpal and phalange bone,and the most stenotic sit of the second to fifth metacarpal medullary cavity was 3mm~8mm to the midpoint of the bone in the proximal half.It was found that there were sexual differences in the ratio of the length of the metacarpal medullary cavity and the length of the metacarpal,while there were no sexual differences in the ratio of the length of the phalanx medullary cavity and the length of the phalanx except the first fingers.Conclusion:The above data and information are of great value for surgery of hand were designing and improve metacarpophalangeal joint prosthesis.
Anatomy and Clinics
Metacarpal medullary cavity
Phalanges medullary cavity
X-ray measurements