目的 :探讨胚胎兔周围神经经冷冻保存后 ,同种异体移植修复周围神经缺损的作用。方法 :以采用两步冷冻方法制备冷冻保存的胎兔坐骨神经 (维持温度值 - 4 0℃ )为供体 ,移植桥接成年兔腓总神经缺损区 ,并与自体神经移植、新鲜异体神经移植、空白缺损比较 ,16周后作再生神经电生理检测、神经断面图像分析及透射电镜观察。结果 :胎神经移植组神经再生效果不如自体神经好 ,但优于新鲜异体神经组。结论 :冷冻保存胎神经移植桥接周围神经缺损 ,可以促进和引到轴突再生 。
Objective To explore the effect of cold preserved embryonic rabbit's peripheral nerve in repair of peripheral nerve defects.Methods Embryonic rabbit's sciatic nerve was made by cryopreservation with the two-step freezing schedule(the holding temperature of -40℃),and transplanted to bridge the gap of adult rabbit's peroneal nerve defects.The autograft,fresh allograft and unrepaired gap were used as controls.16 weeks after operation,the nerve regeneration was evaluated by electrophysiologic studies,rate of axon regeneration and transmission electromicroscopy.Result The regeneration quality of embryonic rabbit's nerve group was inferior to autograft,but highly superior to fresh allograft.Conclusion Transplantation of cold preserved embryonic nerve to bridge peripheral nerve defects can promote and omdice the rate of axon regeneration and it may replace nerve autograft.
Anatomy and Clinics