为调动护理人员的积极性、主动性和创造性 ,提高护理质量 ,该院深化了护理人事用工和劳动分配制度的改革 ,规范了医院及职工双方的责权利关系 ;采取了双向选择、择优上岗、尾数陶汰制 ;实行了综合考评与自荐相结合的择岗方案。在分配上 ,按照岗位的责任、风险、劳动强度以及质量考核拉开挡次。形成一种优胜劣汰、按需用人、公平竞争的局面。竞争上岗增加了护士的紧迫感 ,激发了护士的自我提高、自我完善意识和主动服务的自觉性 ,使整体护理落到实处 ,护理质量明显提高 。
In order to arouse the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of nursing staff and to facilitate nursing care quality, our hospital made a reformation on nurse personnel recruitment and its relative labor distribution regime: namely standardizing duties, power and benefit of both hospital and staff, taking a two-way selection system, selecting superiority to go on nursing position, while washing out the mantissa. Besides, we carried out the job-choice scheme by integrating evaluation with self-introductory. For the aspect of distribution, we practiced to widen its grade level according to the responsibility, risk of the position, and labor intensity along with the responsibility, risk for the position, and labor intensity as well as the quality evaluation. As a result, a new reasonable competitive situation was built. Competition enhanced the feeling of urgency of the nurses, motivated their sense of self-understanding consciousness. Quality of nursing care was improved.
Journal of Nursing Administration