因特网地理信息系统与电子商务的结合 ,有其独到的特点。特别是对于绿色食品的电子商务 ,具有一种地域的直观性 ,为客户提供全面完整的产品信息 ,消除客户决策中的不确定性。GeoSurf开发平台为地理空间信息的可视化表示提供了技术基础。综合多学科技术研究成果 。
This paper studied the feasibility to setup the website for green-food trade over the integration of Internet GIS and e-commerce technologies. Combining the e-commerce with the Internet GIS, there are many advantages. Especially for the green-food trade, it has a visualized feature in geography; it could provide much more information on products for buyers to reduce indefinite factors and make decision correctly. The GeoSurf developing platform provides a technical base for the visualization of geographic information. The paper intended to integrate multi-technologies to raise a new model for developing website for e-commerce.
Research on Sofi Science of Surveying and Mapping
武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室开放研究基金 (99) 0 30 2资助项目